2998-62 with Aged Service Dial and Hands
A good looking Speedmaster with an aged Omega Service dial and Alpha hands, and lollipop.
Comes Head only with Extract of Archives.
I bought this about 10 years ago in pieces from a retired watchmaker. It had the lollipop but was missing dial and the rest of the hands. I couldnt find a dial I liked so I got a service dial and aged it, and removed the Superlumionova. The plots and hands are re lumed. I serviced it and put it together for safety of the movement. Now with my new slim down collection plan, I thought this might please someone else who can enjoy a great looking 2998 until they find a replacement vintage dial, or continue to use as it is.
- Omega Speedmaster
- Serial 19584869
- 2998-62
- Aged Omega Service Dial
- Aged Service Alpha Hands
- Original DO90 bezel that has faded to grey
- Extract shows delivered to Hong Kong 4 April 1963
- Head Only
If you would like to buy this watch, or enquire further, please submit your details below
Acquired by me in pieces pre 2010. I had Swiss Time service the movement and mount in the case to keep safe, hoping to find a dial. I am sure a dial can be found, its just my focus is now to other kinds of Speedmaster.
Known work:
Serviced by Swiss Time, no documents.